Thursday, April 5, 2012

Worthy of a New Post

So many things to share, but I have been quite lazy (yes, not so busy, but lazy. I have the same problem with exercise...).

I am currently sitting on the counter with an old laptop (more about that later) and I have 8 tabs open on the explorer. I am emailing, facebook-ing, pinterest-ing, planning a trip on the Metrorail, watching a dog on a webcam and now, I am also blogging. Why not? It's not like I have anything else to do.

So, last Friday was my last day... at Mindray - that is why I am blogging in the middle of the day and from this old laptop - the keyboard on this thing is wierd. My position was eliminated. It's really ok, don't feel too bad. God is on top of things and we are ok. This home office opportunity came like everything that comes from God - it was just in time and it served its purpose, but now it is time to move on, or to stay home? Maybe. Maybe not. We are not praying for one thing or the other, but for the will of God. Don't know how going back to the 9-5 could work out for us, but I also don't know how staying home would work out either. What I do know is that God knows what I need and what I want. The Rozells ( were at the church a few ago and Michael said that God knew we would be sitting in that place listening to the message since before we were born. That is very comforting to me.

(If you've never seen or heard the Rozells - go online and listen. They are such a blessing) - which reminds me I need to start taking notes at Church.

I was asked by a friend to be specific about my job needs so that she could pray for what needed/wanted, but when I think back to the Bible verses we memorized growing up, I always remember Jeremiah 29:11. The kids are also memorizing verses. They are not in a Christian school so they don't get the daily study of the God's Word. This becomes and really it IS our job as a parent to equip our children so that they too can speak about Jesus and defend their beliefs whenever necessary. David has a friend from the Middle East in his class and just the other day David explained to him that Jesus died and was later risen from the dead. Of course, they will never coincide in their ideologies, but David knows Jesus died for our sins and was risen on the third day, that He is alive and is the son of God, not a prophet or just another nice guy in history. David and Olivia both have a heart for God. We are very thankful and also very aware of the great responsibility that we have as parents to nurture them and guide them in the ways of the Lord, especially in these times. (Pray for that - the job not so much).

Next week, I will be in Atlanta for a conference called Connect. This is the Operation Christmas Child Volunteer Meeting that happens once a year - all of the OCC volunteers from the various regions come together to kick off the OCC activities for the rest of the year. I look forward to meeting and having fellowship with so many other Christians and OCC Volunteers. I think that this is going to be great. I have this calling and combined with my corporate experience, well, something good has to come out of that - not because of what I bring to the table, but because of how I pray God uses me. OCC has been a great blessing in my life and help with the kids. This connection has helped me to reinforce that God's love must be shared, that we are blessed beyond what we deserve and that some kids in this world have nothing. When I mention to other people about OCC, although no one has volunteered to sign up yet, what I do get is the chance to minister to them about other things and answer questions about the Bible.

The verse for the week that we are memorizing with the kids is Ephesians 4:29 - Don't use foul or abusive language. Let everything you say be good and helpful, so that your words will be an encouragement to those who hear them.

Be Blessed and Happy Easter,


PS - Please like the OCC page on Facebook:

1 comment:

  1. Great to read an update since I slacked off in replying to you a couple of weeks ago. Sorry! I AM busy (not just lazy. Haha.)

    Jeremiah 29:11 - my favorite (Okay. Among many favorites.)

    God does know your needs and most importantly, your heart. Great post, Rosie.

    Btw...Preston asked Jesus in his heart a few weeks ago. Our family is complete! Praise God.

    Oh...and that Ephesians verse has been said in our house many times! Lol. Need to remind the kids about it again.
