Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Back on the Saddle???

This may be my first or last post. You really never know with me... Sorry it has been sooo long, but what can I say - I have been busy being busy and busy being not busy. Allow me to explain: not busy as in not doing anything other than watching episodes of Flashpoint on Have you seen Flashpoint? I (we) love it. Edwin and I are addicted. He loves the sniper part and I love the justice part and of course the hot, bald guys. Yes, the bald guys. I am conditioning myself... for the future. Oh, who am I kidding, I have always loved me a bald guy! LOL. (Was that too much info, Gail?)

So what have we all been up to these past few months? There was the dog incident. Then there was my birthday OCC party (not OCD party - OCC as in operation Christmas Child). We also had Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years and my last project and most exciting of them all bc of what we celebrated: Jonathan's 1st Birthday. Anyone who has known us for any amount of time knows that Lobaina birthday parties are always a fun and food-filled extravaganza!

Today I am writing to vent and to share and to kill some time too. I wanted to pick it up from the last post that I did not delete (I deleted some less than gracious posts from 2011 so that I can let the light shine), but I realize that too many things have happened and I missed too many good ideas and feelings and that I should really write some of these things down even if I don't publish them - all of that in one breath! As for my venting, I am going to vent alright, but only by thanking God for my family. My husband, who has always blessed me - from the moment he introduced napping to me - to this past weekend when he was (as always) level headed, to today when he continues to be so humble. I love that man and I thank God for Edwin and for His Grace and Mercy in allowing me to be his wife. I am not blindsighted by his charming personality, nor do I submit to him because I am afraid of being alone. I submit to him because he LOVES me and together we make 1 and as 1 we give priority to our relationship, our children and first and foremost - our God.

I wanted to share with you some pics of the Jonathan's birthday celebration, above. This birthday was pretty special. I invited about 150 people - yes, I wanted to share this event with sooo many friends that I lost control - lol. About 80 people attended, it was crowded, I was tired, and it took me two weeks to recover, but it was such a treat to be around so many people who were loving us and loving Jonathan. He caught croup from some one on that day, but nothing a little Orapred couldn't fix, right? ...! Jonathan continues to thrive physically and he continues to bless our home - he makes everything just a little sweater for all of us.

About killing some time... I have been killing time making cake pops lately. I made Christmas pops for the kids' school in December, Elmo pops for Jonathan's birthday, Valentine pops for V-day for school again and this weekend I am making Hello Kitty a la Rosie pops (a la Rosie means I may not have all the necessary decorations so I am winging it with what I have). I love baking and lately I have had the chance to bake more than usual. Last weekend for Edwin's birthday, I made him a cake from scratch! Like the good ole days when I had time to take private cake baking lessons. Now I am lucky if I get to shower, but baking is always fun and it relieves stress. The kids love to help. David is going to love to cook - I can already tell. Olivia loves it too, but she also has more elaborate interests like saving chicken bones and wanting to test how to cauterize a wound by using a straw (capillaries) filled with a red liquid (blood). I think she will definitely have a career in the medical field. She is so much like me that it scares me!

Well, I think this was a good ice breaker. I hope I can do this more often, but enough killing time for now! I have to get busy with Edwin... on the next episode of Flashpoint that is. ;)


Ephesians 5:22-33

"Wives, submit to your own husbands, as to the Lord. For the husband is the head of the wife even as Christ is the head of the church, his body, and is himself its Savior. Now as the church submits to Christ, so also wives should submit in everything to their husbands. Husbands, love your wives, as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her..."  

"as Christ loved the church" - Christ died for the church!!! Will your husband die for you?

Philippians 2:3-11

"Do nothing from rivalry or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves. Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others. Have this mind among yourselves, which is yours in Christ Jesus, who, though he was in the form of God, did not count equality with God a thing to be grasped, but made himself nothing, taking the form of a servant, being born in the likeness of men."


  1. I love how you direct comments within your post to me. ;) Glad to see you back. I know everyone else is, too. (A little humor?)

    I've had a crazy busy week including hijo numero uno home sick con fiebre y mas. Ugh. Doing a little better, but I NEED A BREAK!

    And...I think I never responded to your email last week??? SORRY! I've seriously been swamped.

    Hope Jonathan is feeling better. Glad I got to see a few pics from the bday! (Preston is still sick, too, from when he got sick that wknd!)

    And I am not cool enough to know about Flashpoint. ;) Do enlighten me.

  2. Have not had a chance to read your postings for a while so I caught up on all of them today. I so enjoy your writing Rosie with your humor and thankfullness for all you have. You and Edwin are such a special couple and have had special children also. I know we all live our lives too fast, but slow down to smell the flowers each day because those kids are going to be grown before you know what happened. {{HUGS}} Jane B, Melbourne, FL
