Tuesday, September 20, 2011

NICU Angels

Some angels wear white. These angels wear YELLOW??? This past Sunday, Jonathan had his first NICU Reunion. I had been looking forward to it for a long time. Almost since they told me about the reunion while we were still in the hospital. It was like a light at the end of the tunnel. If we made it to the reunion, everything had to be ok...

By the way (and I digress - did you know I was going to use my fav word?) - the dog situation has been brushed under the carpet. If there wasn't an online post about the whole ordeal, no one would know about it because we are back to being the "perfect" family. And speaking of perfection... have you seen my kids lately? I said the kids are perfect, not the bed... I don't make beds or fold underwear. They just go right into the drawer!

Back to the YELLOW angels. They really dress in brown scrubs, but for the reunion they were wearing yellow tees and jeans and almost looked human. Except for their faces... still angels. I missed a few nurses that must have left before we arrived. We usually arrive late to these kinds of events. We do however insist that if you come to one of our parties you arrive on time. I actually put it on the invite. How controlling! LOL.

<sigh> Will I ever get to the part where I tell you how great it was to see all of the ladies who cared for Jonathan for 5 weeks? That I had some moments when I teared up? That I couldn't thank God enough for giving us the opportunity of being in the NICU and making to the reunion? I saw the nurse who gave him his first bath, the breastfeeding counselor, the physical therapist and his doctors. I saw his primary, the nurse who was with him the night he was NPO, a friend from high school who was never his nurse, but even the nurses who were never assigned to him knew who he was and how he was at all times. That always impressed me about the NICU at SMH.

I also saw some moms who were my NICU-mates while we were there. One of the moms now works in the NICU. OK, here goes, only child confession: I was so jealous!!! In a good way though. If I had to do it all again, I would go that route. Things are way too complicated to start again and I am not unhappy where I am, but being a NICU nurse - WOW! I tip my hat.

Below are a couple of pictures of the reunion. Enjoy!

God, bless and protect all of the NICU Angels and all of those babies today! In the name of Jesus. Amen.




  1. What a blessing that you were there that night...because YES!..it means everything is okay! God uses His angels and "angels" for many purposes. Thank you, Lord, you used both kinds for baby Jonathan!

    By the way, on a MUCH more serious note (that is, get ready for my sarcasm)....my kids are lucky if they wear clean clothes. Most of the clothes around here never even make it to the drawer. Yep. We live out of a pile.
    And make the beds? Puh-leeze. Why bother when you're just going to mess it up again?....hopefully the very same day you left it. Which, since you asked, (ha! again) is NEVER for me.

    What a weird comment this is. I blame it on sleep deprivation coupled with a headache and cafe con leche at 11:30 pm.

    I should go. ;)

  2. Yo, Rosie.
    Lose the "word verification" for spam control on your comments.

    I'm the only one who comments and I'm no spammer.


    Seriously. (Did you even know you had it set up like that?) ;)


    Minus the word verification, mmmkay?
