Election 2012
“Pilate was merciful till it became risky.”
― C.S. Lewis, The Screwtape Letters
Revelation 2:10 - Do not be afraid of what you are about to suffer. I tell you, the devil will put some of you in prison to test you, and you will suffer persecution for ten days. Be faithful, even to the point of death, and I will give you life as your victor’s crown.
The church has been afraid far too long and now it may be too late. When I was growing up, I got fire and brimstone from the pulpit - nothing that could scare the "Jesus" out of me, but it did help me make some good decisions along the way. Don't get me wrong... I have also made a series of bad decisions along the way.
I took a little "exit" poll after the elections and it looks like the church is indeed afraid. In many other countries the church has to be afraid because religious leaders do go to prison and they are killed for preaching the Word of God, but here in the good ole US of A that will never happen! Well, I have news for you, it already is happening as we stand by and continue to produce mass conversions, but fail to teach the Word of God. The Gospel of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John are not the only books of the Bible. There is also Revelation. Does anyone listen to Raul Ries when talks about the end times? When he calls things by their name? "Killing babies", he says. People, it is time that the church stop sugar-coating things and starts throwing fire and brimstone from the pulpit. We can't LOVE (the love that Jesus intends we have for one another) unless we know how to love and what love is and some times love = spanking one of my kids for misbehaving. It is not all unicorns and rainbows.
“A moderated religion is as good for us as no religion at all—and more amusing.”
― C.S. Lewis, The Screwtape Letters
If I am a mother of 10, 12, 18, 25 children, does only delivering those children make me a good mother? Do I really LOVE my children? No, unless I feed them, keep them clean, warm when it is cold, and most of all, if I bring them up with morals and standards, to know the difference between right and wrong (and as a Christian, teach them the Word of God and lead them down the path of Salvation). We can't continue to mass produce Christians because you get what we have today. No real repentance, only euphoria and then what? What about doctrine? You can't put the Bible in a 3 ring binder and take out the pages that you don't like. But how are they supposed to know where the pulpit stands on issues like "killing babies"? Shhhh! First, let's show them love (by compromising Biblical truth for social and cultural acceptance), then we can all sing, hold hands and make pretend until election day. This is like rehabilitation to the person who was once disabled by some kind of physical ailment. After a surgery that will help them, for example, walk again, they don't just get up from the OR table and walk, they go through rehabilitation to learn how to walk. Same principle. "Go and sin no more".
No one is at FAULT for the outcome of these elections. We can try to rationalize through this as much as we want, but it will never work. I am still wondering how Obama took out Hillary in 2008? That is the $1 million question. I may not have the right answer, but I do have an answer. This is a spiritual war. Nothing more, nothing less and not even Ronald Reagan incarnated could have won these elections. All of the social issues are a cover up for the enemy to inch it's way in to our way of life. To divide and conquer. Did you see it - almost 50/50. We are divided. And for those who will say that this is the will of God, I say this - the will of God is that none should perish, but we know that many will. So He has allowed it to happen (because God IS in control of everything), but I doubt that He is happy about it. Could it have been prevented? Sure, but He allowed it. Blessed be the name of the Lord for allowing this. His ways are straight and one day we will know why.
In the meantime, I challenge Christians not to be afraid. We still have religious freedom (for now anyway) and we are still strong. Yes, God is Love, but he is our Heavenly Father and He is not afraid to use the rod to get our attention when necessary.
Achtung Baby!
I have lots more to say about the elections. I was terribly disappointed by the things that actually made it on the ballot (doctor-assisted suicide, recreational marijuana, killing babies) and some of these actually passed.
I just want to say one thing toward the topic of abortion. I could never imagine what a woman who decides to have an abortion could be going through. It must be the toughest decision of her life, but partial birth/ late term abortions? Do you know that right here in South Miami Hospital the smallest preemie was born at 22 weeks, 3 days, weighing in at 13 oz. and he survived? I heard Olivia's heart beating for the first time when I was 5 weeks pregnant. You can hear a heartbeat even earlier than that. When a couple has a miscarriage, do they ever say "we lost a fetus"? NO! They say "we lost the baby". Your baby is in heaven waiting for you. It doesn't matter what you have done, when you repent it is all made new. "Go and sin no more".
Back to the elections and to my disappointment. What I was most disappointed with was my "exit" poll. The churches did not speak about the elections clearly. If they had maybe (maybe not) the outcome could have been different. We should be Christians above all, then we are Hispanic, black, white, etc. Moral issues have been usurped by the liberal agenda and these groups are also being used (exploited) to further that agenda. At the end, no homosexual, woman (pro-choice) or immigrant will matter.
Last but not least, my rant about this new found hate for the rich. Since when have Americans hated the rich? What makes the US so appealing is that here we have the OPPORTUNITY, with hard work, to be "rich" one day our selves. This hate is not American. This is not what our fathers and grandfathers came here for. To hate the rich. How terribly sad. The "American Dream" as we knew it, is no more. Unrecognizable.
“We must picture hell as a state where everyone is perpetually concerned about his own dignity and advancement, where everyone has a grievance, and where everyone lives with the deadly serious passions of envy, self-importance, and resentment.”
― C.S. Lewis, The Screwtape Letters
The references to C.S. Lewis, The Screwtape Letters can be found at:
Thanks to a friend for turning me on to the Screwtape Letters.
Check out the link. It will blow you away.
And finally - thanks to all of those who did stand your ground. I tip my hat, I am forever in your debt on behalf of the people that you are able to reach and for your service to this country and your commitment, for being responsible for your flock and holding yourselves accountable to God.
Whoa. How did I miss this post? Can you hear my emphatic AMEN? You are spot on, Rosie.
ReplyDeleteLooking forward to our coffee date this week. I think we have much to catch up on.