Between feeds I can think of 1 million things to blog about. I have about 3 hours between each feed and that gives me plenty of time to do... NOTHING! I can think about all of the the things I need to do. I can even make a "todo" list, but it is the execution that has executed me - sorry for the lame humor, but it's between feeds and I am too tired to do anything but sit here and eat some chips while I write this post.
I still owe you week 8 to 35 in the NICU, but I wanted to post a little something about a goal that I have for the summer. You see, Olivia and David are very in tune with God and His love. Nothing that I (we) have actually done. I can't take any credit, except for the occassional Veggie Tales, trying to set a good example and using real life situations to explain God (easier said than done - they ask hard questions). We try to have them communicate as much as possible with us so that we can use any opportunity to mold them into strong Christian adults.
My goal for this summer is that either one or both accept Christ as their Savior. So, let's see what I have been doing to steer them in that direction...
Praying, daily for everything and giving God credit for everything good that happens to us. Helping them understand that God is in control and that we all depend on Him. Making them aware of their sin. This one is hard and I am not doing so well, but I will continue working on it. Even at this young age opportunities abound - remember the first time your child lied to you? One other thing I did last week between feeds was take them to an Easter play at my mother's church. The play is called "Por Amor" (For Love). It is attended by more than 2000 people every year. It is like a local production of the Passion of the Christ. I have posted some pictures and if you'd like to read more about it you can go to Finally, my secret weapon and hopefully the deal breaker: Vacation Bible School. This summer they are both old enough to attend and I am going to send them in the hope that their hearts will be stirred and they will acknowledge their need to be saved.
So, you could say that I am a mom with an agenda. Well, I am a woman with an agenda. I just have to get it together and I also need more time between feeds because I am not meeting up to my own expectations for this blog.
While I was in the hospital with Jonathan, I was very dedicated to the things that I had to get done between feeds. I knew that between 12 and 3 pm, I would Kangaroo him (I looked forward to each Kangaroo session with all of my heart). I also had to eat and the truth is that I like hospital food. The cafeteria at SMH had its really good days. I would also visit the Au Bon Pain - yummy. Now at home, I barely have time to eat, I don't get any sleep, but between feeds I do homework with my kids, take Olivia to piano lessons, heat up food (definitely not cook), do laundry (definitely not fold and put away - have you visited me lately?!). Consider all of these simple and silly tasks and think what would happen if one was left undone (please think about something other than the laundry to avoid getting personal). Don't know how we do it, ladies and I certainly don't know how God does it.
He is in control of everything. Can you imagine? I lose control at least 3 times a day. He is everything, He does everything, He controls everything and He has to listen to us pray and possibly even complain. For the past few days the Bible studies on the local Christian radio station have touched on the many trials in the Christian life, difficult situations realted to health, finances, etc. The things we rather do without. All of the teachings have led me to one verse: Phil 4:6-7 - do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.
My mother-in-law, who has taught me so much about being a wife and mother in the little time that I spent with her and during the last 10 years that we have kept in touch mostly via email, says that we should always thank God in all circumstances. I try to teach the children (wow that is super plural) to do just that and I try to teach myself to do it as well.
The time that I have between feeds is so precious because taking showers and putting dinner on the table are so very important. I thank God for every sleepless night, because it means that Jonathan is home and healthy. I thank Him for every day I spent in the NICU and every person that I met there. What a blessing in disguise the preemie experience has been for me that I can be thankful and humbled by God's love.
Gotta go heat up Jonathan's milk now...
Hi, Stranger! (Yep, life as mom to blame...and all the other things.)
ReplyDeleteThe most important things we can do as parents is direct our child to grow up in God's Word and come to know Him.
VBS (yay! I registered my 3, too) is fantastic. Ethan asked Jesus in his heart there 3 years ago! So, yes, it plays a huge role. Annabella also made a profession of faith a couple of months ago (so, both of them did at 7 years old). Preston is on his way...oh, how that little boy loves God already! :)
Praying for David and Olivia...and you and Edwin to use every opportunity that God provides...and you know He will when you ask. :)
I have been quite the blog slacker, too...can't seem to get back in the mode. Help! :)
P.S. I, too, am GREAT at washing the clothes...not so great at folding and putting them away. Tell it really so bad to live out of a pile? LOL!
Sophisticated Steps